With All My Affection Q&A

Sara Hudson

Image Credit: Pinterest

Hello everyone, I hope you had an amazing weekend! I have been receiving so many questions lately regarding my blog. This is why I thought of doing a little Q&A as I think it might be helpful to some of you. If you would like me to do a more personal Q&A please let me know. I would love to answer your questions regarding myself, Montreal, my Instagram, my life experiences and so on. Do not hesitate to ask your questions in the comment section down below, I will do my best to answer them all 🙂 I hope you enjoy!

How long have you been blogging and doing Instagram?
I have been blogging for 3 years now and it is going to be my second year on Instagram in a few weeks!

How did you get into blogging?
I have always loved writing and taking pictures. I took photography classes in high school and I would always write short stories. I was following a lot of fashion, lifestyle and beauty bloggers/youtubers and it seems like so much fun so I thought why not try it out? I did some research online, found the name of my blog and started With All My Affection!

Where do you find your inspiration?
I find inspiration everywhere: on social media, on the streets, in magazines, online, etc. You get to discover so many new trends, products, shops, restaurants, tips, etc. I always like to stay open minded and to be active on my social media platforms as you always find new things to try out!

What camera do you use for your pictures?
For my blog posts, I use a Canon DSLR. I have been shooting my pictures with it since Day 1. As for my Instagram, I take everything with my iPhone 6S.

What do you like most and less about blogging?
What I love the most is to share my passion about life and to connect with so many of you worldwide. It is so much fun talking to fellow bloggers and to share what we love most, whether it is beauty, fashion, food, travel and much more. What I love less is probably all the stress that comes with it. Once you start working with brands, you constantly need to be on time, you have deadlines, you need to keep tracks of your orders, your e-mails…you have so many things to do! You have to be incredibly organized to stay on top of your game.

What are you favourite subjects to write about?
It is such a hard question because I talk about things I truly love on my blog as it is my own personal platform. I would say beauty and fashion , but I would love to do more travel posts! This might be one of my goal in 2017 😉

Do you have any advice for new bloggers?
My #1 advice is to blog because you love it. I get a lot of questions regarding collaborations with brands, on how to get more followers and so on. It takes a lot of time and hard work to get to that level and it can be extremely overwhelming for new bloggers. It took me an entire year of working everyday on my blog before getting noticed. I started my blog out of passion and this is the most important thing to remember. If you focus too much on your statistics or on getting samples/followers/views, you will lose your passion and that will be reflected in your blog.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media! <3



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