My Blogging Routine

Sara Hudson

Hello my loves! After reading so many sweet feedbacks about my TMI Tag, I decided it was time to do another video for you guys 🙂 This one is going to be especially on my blog and on my blogging routine. A lot of you ask me questions about my blog and I thought it would be a great to have them all answered in a video – and you’ll get to know a bit more about the ‘Behind The Scenes’ of With All My Affection! I really hope you guys are going to like it (I apologize for the lighting, I was filming with natural daylight and the sun wasn’t cooperating with me!)

Also, I am going to do a Q&A very soon if you guys have other questions about anything related to me, my blog or even Montreal – make sure to write them down below and I will do another video <3

The businesses’ collabs I was referring to in this video will be up in the next following weeks 😉 Stay tuned for these fashion and beauty posts!

Blog posts mentioned:
My 10 Blogging Tips
My Favourite Fashion Bloggers
My Favourite Instagramers


Don’t forget to follow me on social media! I follow back <3


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