
The Baltic Club

Sara Hudson

I have been wanting to write this post for so long and I am really happy to finally share it ...

The Baltic Club

Sara Hudson

I have been wanting to write this post for so long and I am really happy to finally share it ...

The Happiness Box

Sara Hudson

Being positive and seeing the best in things is one of my resolutions this year. I have lived a great ...

Guilty Pleasures 29

Sara Hudson

Hello from Florida – I am currently on vacation, enjoying the sun and the pools/beaches in West Palm Beach! I ...

Guilty Pleasures 28

Sara Hudson

Hello everyone I have finally a week off from work and I am starting to plan tomorrow’s day since it ...

Guilty Pleasures 27

Sara Hudson

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had an amazing week enjoying the nice and warm summer weather, eating ice ...

Guilty Pleasures 25

Sara Hudson

Hello everyone and welcome to the 25th edition of the Guilty Pleasures! I can’t believe that we are already on ...

Guilty Pleasures 18

Sara Hudson

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend. I can’t believe that the holidays are already ...

1st year blog anniversary

Sara Hudson

Today marks With All My Affection’s first year anniversary! I can’t believe it has already been a year since I ...

Guilty Pleasures 9

Sara Hudson

Welcome to the brand new edition of the Guilty Pleasures series! I can’t believe we are at our 9th post ...

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