Soirée Réseautage ESM & AÉESM

Sara Hudson

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Last Wednesday, I was invited to L’École Supérieure de Mode (ESM) and L’Association Étudiante de l’École Supérieure de Mode (AéESM)’s Soirée Réseautage. For this special fashion networking evening, the school and the student association rented the demi-tour-de-ville (a penthouse room) at Espace Evo, in the very heart of downtown Montreal. Imagine the gorgeous view we had the entire night!

This networking event was held for the ESM 2nd and 3rd year students as well as for the graduates. It was the perfect occasion for all to meet the professionals in the fashion industry: designers, PR firms, editors, stylists and much more attended the evening. The Soirée Réseautage also coincided with the 20th anniversary of the ESM – the school founders gave very inspirational speeches before letting the evening take place.


An amazing buffet complemented with red and white wine were also offered during the evening. To spice up the event even more, l’ESM and l’AéESM also had a drawing of amazing prices: a diamond ring from Philippe & Co, a Lacoste watch, a leather bag from m0851 and Jérôme Bocchio and much more were on display. I unfortunately couldn’t stay all night to see who won which prices (I secretly wanted to leave with them all 😉 ). But I left with some goodies! I received the latest Elle Québec magazine, m0851 and Lacoste’s editorial spread.

I had such a great time at the Soirée Réseautage and got the opportunity to see and meet incredible people. The evening was a huge success! I want to congratulate the AéESM executive team for organizing such a wonderful event that allowed the students, the graduates and the professionals of the fashion industry to meet, connect and share their passion.

Picture credits: Nomadlogic7 / With All My Affection


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