Next meeting point: the sugar shacks


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Spring’s arrival only means on thing for us Quebecers… it’s time to go to the Sugarshchack! If you are crazy about any meal drizzled with maple syrup and love hearty feasts, Quebec’s sugarshacks will satisfy you without any doubt. I had the chance to experience once again this gastronomic annual event last weekend and I recommend everyone to go there. Prepare yourself to fast since once at the table, you will be served with large quantities of food and I assure you that your stomach will be more than full by the end of your stay.

My boyfriend and I went to the Sugarshack Charbonneau located at Mont Saint-Grégoire which is about 40 minutes from downtown Montreal. You absolutely have to make a reservation several days in advance as these shacks are only open for 2 months and are quite popular. But there’s nothing to worry about: there are hundreds more sugarshacks in Quebec and they are all ready to serve you like royalty.

This particular place offers activities to do before or after your meal such as pony rides, visit to the maple evaporation room, walks on path trails and snowshoeing, and finally dances on the dance track every Saturday night. And finally just what we are here for: the meal. Like most sugar shacks, l‘Érablière Charbonneau only serves one meal which includes pea soup, cabbage salad, homemade marinades, baked omelets, maple ham and sausages, baked beans, grilled bacon, boiled potatoes, home pie and meatball stews, not to forget the pets de soeurs, sugar pie, pancakes with maple syrup and of course maple taffey! I hope I woke up your taste buds.

Once again, I encourage you to go check these multiple shacks out. It is a very pleasant activity and experience (for you and for your stomach of course) that you can do either with some friends, your family or even a date!


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