My Healthy Morning Routine

Sara Hudson

A few weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity to attend Nespresso’s morning yoga session. They invited quite a few bloggers, Youtubers and Instagramers to experience what an ideal relaxing morning should be like. Not only did we have a yoga and a meditation session with Ève Guilbert, we were also offered such an amazing a healthy breakfast curated by nutritionist Hubert Cormier. With their advice, we learned how to optimize our morning routine to start the day feeling energized, serene and in control.

Without any further ado, here are Hubert Cormier’s tips and tricks and how I integrate them in my very own morning routine!

Tip one: Have a regular wake up time. Having a full-time job and a stable schedule really helps with planning my day ahead. Setting up your alarm at the same time everyday will make your day even more productive as your body has his own regular schedule. As you can imagine, it is extremely important not to Snooze away all your alarms! This will most likely tire you even more.

Tip two: Have an energizing breakfast. I am the type of person who is not hungry when I wake up but I do make sure to bring a breakfast to work. I usually go for oatmeal or yogurt with fruits, or on other days I will make myself a bagel, toasts, and so on. I also prepare my matcha latte every morning and drink it on the go. If you really want to optimize your sleeping hours, I suggest to prepare with breakfast the night before!

Tip three: Enjoy a me time moment. It is really important to take time to reflect on yourself and on your day, even if it is only for 5 minutes. I also personally try to take a break from my electronic devices – which I definitely need to do more often. We will most likely be connected to our devices all day afterwards anyways, a little break never hurts!

Tip four: Take time to do morning stretches and exercises. I unfortunately always skip this step as I never find the motivation to wake up earlier to do a physical activity, especially when I am working out after work. I will definitely try incorporating a few stretches in my me time moment as it fits better my lifestyle!

Having a healthy morning routine allows us to start the day with a sense of calm and gives us more energy and motivation to make healthier choices for the day ahead. Do you also have a specific morning routine?

Photo credits: Benoit Rousseau

Don’t forget to follow me on social media!❤️



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“description”: “A few weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity to attend Nespresso’s morning yoga session. They invited quite a few bloggers, Youtubers and Instagramers to experience what an ideal relaxing morning should be like. Not…”,
“articleBody”: “A few weeks ago, I had the amazing opportunity to attend Nespresso’s morning yoga session. They invited quite a few bloggers, Youtubers and Instagramers to experience what an ideal relaxing morning should be like. Not…”,
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