Most Frequently Asked Questions

Sara Hudson

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great start of October so far. I have been getting so many questions on my Instagram inbox and I thought of sharing the top questions with you all. As you will see, they vary from getting to know me to getting to know Montreal, my full-time job and so on! I hope you enjoy this little personal blog post 😉 Let me know if you would like to see more personal articles as I always find it so interesting getting to know fellow bloggers and influencers!

What Is Your Full-Time Job?
I work full-time as a Search Engine Marketing Specialist (SEM). A lot of you guys think I am blogging full-time which is almost the case as I work about 20 additional hours per week on my social platforms!

Where Do You Live? Where Do You Come From?
I was born and raised in Montreal. I am still living in this gorgeous city and I do not plan on living elsewhere in the near future. As for my ethnicity, both of my parents are Vietnamese. My sister and I do not speak Vietnamese unfortunately. We only speak french and english (and spanish for my sister Florence).

What Did You Study In School? Do You Think One Needs A Degree to Work In The Blogging Industry?
I have a bachelor degree in Communications Studies at Concordia University in Montreal. I also studied Multimedia in Cégep at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. I do not think it is mandatory to have a degree to be able to work in the blogging industry but I definitely think it will help. University taught me how to work in team, how to develop a good work ethic, a critical way of thinking and so on. These are extremely important and useful in any industry, especially in one that is very creative, fast-paced and social.


How Do You Get To Work With So Many Brands?
Working with brands come with a lot of work and time. I started my blog almost 4 years ago and have been on Instagram for 3 years. By consistently working on my blog and social media every day for years, I was able to create my signature style and theme. I worked for 2 years on my own before being offered a partnership with a brand. As I worked with more and more brands, I was invited to more events, added to PR lists and slowly became a little more known in the industry!

Do You Only Do Sponsored Content Now?
Not at all. I always state in my blog posts or Instagram picture if my content is sponsored or not. As I have a full-time job, I have the liberty of choosing with who I want to work with. I absolutely love working with start-ups and little shops/boutiques in Montreal and I understand not everyone has a huge amount of budget when it comes to marketing. I do a lot of collaborations that are not sponsored at all because I genuinely love the product/service or the restaurant/shop.

Do You Have Any Pets?
I do not own any pet as of now. I would love to have a dog when I will have more time on my hands. Working 40 hours per week plus an additional 20 hours on the blog is very exhausting! I already know I am going to name him/her Charlie and that I will create an Instagram page for my dog 😉

Are You In A Relationship?
This must be one of the most asked question which I find really cute and funny. I am not in a relationship and am not seeing anybody as of now.

Here were a few of my top questions! I hope you got to know me a little better. Do not hesitate to ask me more questions if you have any, I love meeting and talking to new people! I will see you all in my next post 😉 Don’t forget to follow me on social media <3



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“articleBody”: “Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great start of October so far. I have been getting so many questions on my Instagram inbox and I thought of sharing the top questions with…”,
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