1st year blog anniversary

Sara Hudson

anniversaryToday marks With All My Affection’s first year anniversary! I can’t believe it has already been a year since I started blogging. It has been an amazing journey and I cannot thank you all enough for supporting my blog from all your 103 countries. It means so much to me when you are viewing, liking and commenting my articles. This is why I wanted to write a little post to thank you guys. I also decided to include a mini Q&A since I get asked a lot of questions about this blog. Hope you enjoy and perhaps it will light up a blogging desire in you 😉

With All My Affection’s second year is about to start and let us make it even better than the first one <3

Why did you start blogging?

I always loved to write and to share my life experiences with people, and blogging is the perfect way to combine these two together. I love to talk about my travels, restaurants and lounges I tried, beauty products I adore, fashion trends I am obsessed about and so on and this blog is all about that!

Where do you find your inspiration?

Most of my inspirations come from lifestyle/fashion bloggers. I follow a lot of them on Instagram. I also like to go on Tumblr, Pinterest and Youtube (I am subscribed to a lot of beauty gurus) to see what are the new trends and what are people loving.

How much time does it take you to write blog posts?

It really depends on the posts. The easiest ones are the Guilty Pleasures, they take me about 15 minutes to gather my pictures, do the collage and to write the intro. Longer posts such as travel or restaurant/product reviews can take me from 2 to 4 hours.

Would you like your blog to become a business?

That would be a dream come true. As of now, my blog is only a hobby. I work as a Web Editor in a huge firm in Montreal so it is not too far from my dream job 😉 who knows where it might take me and my blog in a couple of years!

What advices would you tell to someone who wants to start a blog?

First, know what you want to talk about. Next, choose a name that represents you and that is unique. The most important thing is to have fun and to have discipline! Posting consistently is harder than we think. To present a quality and a consistent blog, you need to work many hours per week on it – there is absolutely no time to be lazy! Lastly, always be true to yourself: write about what you genuinely love, otherwise there will be no fun in blogging.

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“dateModified”: “2015-05-27”,
“description”: “Today marks With All My Affection’s first year anniversary! I can’t believe it has already been a year since I started blogging. It has been an amazing journey and I cannot thank you all enough…”,
“articleBody”: “Today marks With All My Affection’s first year anniversary! I can’t believe it has already been a year since I started blogging. It has been an amazing journey and I cannot thank you all enough…”,
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